Creativity When You Are Overwhelmed with It All


Nurture yourself to a creative flow that serves you among the ebbs and flows. Know that it is completely okay to not always be 100%.

These are some tips on how I personally cope with managing my creativity when I feel overwhelmed:

  1. Stop and reset.

    Breathe. Get back in touch with your 5 senses. Breathe.

  2. Be kind to yourself.

    Know it’s okay to not be performing at the same output all the time. There will be dips and peaks in your creativity and that’s all part of the journey. *Especially in the season we’re in right now. Find and hold grace for yourself, you are doing absolutely incredible in the middle of this space.

  3. Communicate what you need.

    First take time and space to reflect internally on what you may need. Get really in touch with yourself and hold space for you like you would your very best friend. Write down what comes up if that reinforces it for you. Then, if you are comfortable, share with those who can support you obtaining what you need in this moment.

  4. Find space.

    If you find yourself completely blocked or getting there, step away and build in more space into your days. So much goodness happens when you give yourself some space away. Do something playful. Draw. Dance. Whatever it is that will spark your muse and bring you back to yourself. Ever leave a project and come back bursting with new energy? Space does wonders.

  5. Seek new communities.

    *Virtually for now! There’s so many online networks to join and engage in. Find one or two that align with your interests and book in consistent time to tune in.

  6. Limit consumption and check your scroll.

    Check yourself on how much you're consuming vs creating. Ahem—mindless scrolling? I feel you on that… The amount of information we consume daily is at an all time high. Try to limit and be mindful about how much you are consuming and start tuning in instead.

Do you have any practices that help you when you are overwhelmed? Share them with me! Find me on Instagram.


5 Grounding Tips for Creativity